COLLEGE STATION, TX – A well-deserving pup is feeling a new spring in his step, thanks to a team of veterinarians at Texas A&M.
According to Texas A&M Today, the 9-year-old Labrador retriever, adorably named Jake from State Farm, was found roaming around Waco, Texas, last year with a large mass on the side of his neck that was bigger than his head. A local rescue group, Long Way Home Adoptables, took him in and found him a foster family, who then consulted with a veterinarian about the tumor.
Recognizing that surgery to remove the substantial mass would be risky, the vet referred the case to Texas A&M’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, where doctors diagnosed the mass as adenocarcinoma, a tumor of the salivary gland. The cancerous tumor had spread from the gland up to Jake’s ear.
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