Tear-jerking moment boy, 10, is reunited with his dog Bruiser who had been missing for two months

Dog reunited with a 10-year-old boy in Florida.Fort Meade, FL – A ten-year-old boy has been reunited with his dog two months after he slipped his leash and went missing. Continue reading “Tear-jerking moment boy, 10, is reunited with his dog Bruiser who had been missing for two months”

Texas Rescue Dog and His 2 Puppies Reunite by Chance in N.Y.C. After Getting Adopted Separately

Texas Rescue Dog and His 2 Puppies Reunite by Chance in N.Y.C. New York, NY – Marvin the dog and his two canine sons, Leo and Murray, enjoyed a playdate together on Sunday near New York City’s Museum of Natural History. Continue reading “Texas Rescue Dog and His 2 Puppies Reunite by Chance in N.Y.C. After Getting Adopted Separately”

Small Dog Owner Accused of Stabbing Great Dane Mix in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park

Dog Owner Charged With Stabbing Great Dane Mix in NYC ParkBrooklyn, NY – A Brooklyn man has been arrested for allegedly stabbing a Great Dane mix that bounded up to his own dog in a local park late last month.  Continue reading “Small Dog Owner Accused of Stabbing Great Dane Mix in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park”

Michigan bill could allow dogs to dine with their owners in outside spaces

Michigan bill could allow dogs to dine with their owners in outside spacesMICHIGAN – Michigan House Representative Pamala Hornberger has proposed new legislation that says dogs can be allowed in outdoor dining areas, under the control of their owners, of course. Continue reading “Michigan bill could allow dogs to dine with their owners in outside spaces”