The rescue story of the dog who went crazy at Crufts will make you love him even more

dog news Cruft dogFive-year-old Jack Russell terrier Olly became an instant star when his hours of practice went up in smoke after he got a little too excite.  Continue reading “The rescue story of the dog who went crazy at Crufts will make you love him even more”

Update on Aurora Animal Control holding family dog claiming to be ‘wolf-hybrid’

dog news ripple newsIn the city of Aurora, it is illegal to own any wild animal hybrid, although Colorado law states as long as a dog is at least 1% domesticated, it’s legal. Aurora’s local law, however overrides the state law.  Continue reading “Update on Aurora Animal Control holding family dog claiming to be ‘wolf-hybrid’”

A police officer found a puppy overdosed on heroin and left alone in a car

dog news puppy overdosedPolice officers in Texas found a little puppy named Lucky who had overdosed on heroin.Then it was time to find Lucky a loving forever home, so they organized a lottery.  Continue reading “A police officer found a puppy overdosed on heroin and left alone in a car”

Hometown Hero: Police dog and partner continue to serve after cancer scare

dog news hometown heroPolice officers come in a lot of different shapes and sizes — all sworn to protect and serve. But not many of them have four legs, and even fewer have three.   Continue reading “Hometown Hero: Police dog and partner continue to serve after cancer scare”