First responders reunite 12-year-old dog with family after pooch goes missing overnight

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo – Rescuing animals is just part of the job when it comes to protecting and serving a community. Continue reading “First responders reunite 12-year-old dog with family after pooch goes missing overnight”

Dog found off Highway 99 after going missing for 6 years reunited with owner

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The owner of the dog said she got a call about her pug when they checked his microchip. A volunteer couple drove 17 hours to reunite the dog and owner.  Continue reading “Dog found off Highway 99 after going missing for 6 years reunited with owner”

Dogs Rescued From Slaughterhouse Arrive in NYC for Forever Families

Dozens of Chinese dogs destined for the dinner plate will be getting a new leash on life this week when they touch down in New York and meet their new forever families. Continue reading “Dogs Rescued From Slaughterhouse Arrive in NYC for Forever Families”

Former dog owner sleeps at animal shelters, comforting pets waiting for forever homes

COVINGTON, La – Kris Rotonda keeps shelter dogs across the country some much-needed company at night as they wait for their forever home. Continue reading “Former dog owner sleeps at animal shelters, comforting pets waiting for forever homes”