Petition, funding page started to spare the lives of dog who bit off Utah child’s hand

petition-for-dogMore than 100,000 people have signed an online petition to spare the lives of two dogs after a biting incident that left a 4-year-old boy with an amputated arm.  Continue reading “Petition, funding page started to spare the lives of dog who bit off Utah child’s hand”

At 105 (dog) year, the world’s 1st registered therapy dog retires from school

First_service_dogMac – world’s 1st registered therapy dog to work on campus retires. He had a unique retirement party at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) on Tuesday.  Continue reading “At 105 (dog) year, the world’s 1st registered therapy dog retires from school”

Town seizes a debt-ridden family’s pet pug and sell it on eBay

Dog_news_GermanOfficials in Germany are defending their decision to seize an indebted family’s pet pug and sell it on eBay, saying it was a last resort because authorities were unable to find anything else to take.  Continue reading “Town seizes a debt-ridden family’s pet pug and sell it on eBay”