Update on Aurora Animal Control holding family dog claiming to be ‘wolf-hybrid’

dog news ripple newsIn the city of Aurora, it is illegal to own any wild animal hybrid, although Colorado law states as long as a dog is at least 1% domesticated, it’s legal. Aurora’s local law, however overrides the state law.  Continue reading “Update on Aurora Animal Control holding family dog claiming to be ‘wolf-hybrid’”

A police officer found a puppy overdosed on heroin and left alone in a car

dog news puppy overdosedPolice officers in Texas found a little puppy named Lucky who had overdosed on heroin.Then it was time to find Lucky a loving forever home, so they organized a lottery.  Continue reading “A police officer found a puppy overdosed on heroin and left alone in a car”

Premium Pig Ear Dog Treat – 100% Pure & Jumbo

100% Natural Whole Pig Ear Dog Treat

premium Pig ear dog treats Jumbo pig ear 100% nature dog treat

Order the Pure Pig Ear offering by Brutus & Barnaby, loved by all dogs

Brutus & Barnaby’s 100% Natural Jumbo Size  Pig Ear Gift-wrap available (Amazon):-https://amzn.to/2S9OvsY

Welcome to Dog Treat Smart! Have you heard Brutus&Barnaby? Their pig ears are loved by all dogs. Today let’s review the company and its product.

  • Brutus & Barnaby is family-owned company committed to offering only the finest natural dog treats.
  • As the manufacturer and sole distributor, their whole pig ears are to be larger than most and price wise, more affordable.
  • Premium Pig Ear Dog Treat is one of the most popular chews for dogs.

Hey, fur babies parents! www.dogtreatsmart.com is the #1 source for dental products of dogs. We’re a participant in the Amazon Associate Program.

Let’s take a deeper look at Brutus & Barnaby’s pig ears.

healthy pork ear dog treat bag with premium pig ear1. Jumbo Pork  Ear Dog Treat – 100% Natural  –Digestive Health

    • Premium, all natural, only quality ingredients, USDA/FDA approved
    • SOFT CARTILAGE WRAPPED IN THIN SKIN, so these are easy to digest
    • They use South American pig from countries such as Brazil and Argentina, which are known for their free-range, grass-fed cattle
    • CONTAINS NO BONE so no crumbling or splintering making these ones of the safest dog treats

2. premium Piggy Ears for Pup – Health Dog Chew –Fresh Dog Dental Snack

    • Brutus & Barnaby’s pig ears are received in small quantities so that you get the freshest possible pork treats
    • No artificial additives, hormones or chemicals that are harmful to your dog
    • Provides challenging dog chews that will freshen breath and help your dog release pent up energy


  • Each pig ear is hand inspected to make sure your dog is getting only the healthiest, tastiest treat.
  • Zip-Loc sealed bag convenient for you so no worrying about bugs getting inside or smells getting out.
  • If you or your dog are unsatisfied with Brutus & Barnaby’s pig ears, a money back guarantee is offered.
B&B’s premium pig ears not only are our 100% natural dog treats a delicious snack for your pup, but they also provide a wide range of health benefits.
  • With our Brutus & Barnaby treats, your dog can experience digestive health, as well as cleaner teeth and gums.
natural pig ear dog treat
  • Their pig ear is big, not overly greasy or smelly, not hairy and they are all fresh.
  • The jumbo pig ears aren’t sourced from countries with limited quality control over their livestock.
Giving Your Pup the  Premium Pig Ear Dog Treat, They will love it.  Brutus & Barnaby’s Pure Pig Ear is Great Treat.


Thanks for reviewing. We invite you to drop a like(dislike) or comment on the product.

Hometown Hero: Police dog and partner continue to serve after cancer scare

dog news hometown heroPolice officers come in a lot of different shapes and sizes — all sworn to protect and serve. But not many of them have four legs, and even fewer have three.   Continue reading “Hometown Hero: Police dog and partner continue to serve after cancer scare”

Pearl the morbidly obese pooch has lost nearly three stone thanks to a strict diet and an underwater treadmill

dog news obese poochAbandoned on the streets, it was found that there was no medical condition that had made Pearl such a large size.  Continue reading “Pearl the morbidly obese pooch has lost nearly three stone thanks to a strict diet and an underwater treadmill”

Air Force Sergeant cradles dead military dog draped in US flag after heartbreaking decision to put him down

dog news best friendKyle Smith served four military tours with Bodza and adopted him in 2014 when the German Shepherd was retired from duty.  Continue reading “Air Force Sergeant cradles dead military dog draped in US flag after heartbreaking decision to put him down”